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JenNet-IP 评估套件

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-2 09:06
  • 签到天数: 11 天

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    发表于 2012-8-3 09:01:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    JenNet-IP是典型的家庭和楼与自动化的无限网络标准动态。基于建立在 IEEE 802.15.4 2.45GHz 低功耗音频技术基础上,JenNet-IP增加了自身主导的JenNet树状网络结构,这是一个设备之间互操作性强大和灵活的应用层。它的最初目标是照明和家庭自动化系统,这些已经迅速建立起来了,这个系统提供多种不同的设备连接至相同的无线网络。在这个解决方案中,家庭中的每个设备在家庭控制和能量管理中有各自的IPv6地址,将家庭转换至网络的简单扩展,成为新的创新。JenNet-IP-EK040开发套件提供了设计者开发新应用所有需要的元器件。The Software Development Kit (SDK) includes a complete toolchain for rapid application development and debug, including C compiler, assembler, GNU Debugger (GDB) and flash programmer. The toolchain is based upon the industry standard GNU tools running on Windows platforms. Additionally, the industry standard Eclipse IDE integrates the tool chain, the RTOS and the stack configuration tool into a development environment that offers maximum customization and collaboration between groups of developers.Out of the box, the evaluation kit runs a lighting demo which enables LED lamps to be switched and dimmed from the remote control and also from a web interface on the router or through JIP applications on smartphones or tablets.Also included is an overlay to the Open WRT Linux distribution allowing the development of custom interfaces to JenNet-IP networks.

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